Few organizations are true movers and shakers. Groups that move the needle so far that the status quo is left in hindsight. In modern day, think Apple. Think Tesla. Think Disney.

In the sphere of opioid recovery influencers, there’s a well-known organization called AATOD, short for the American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence, Inc. 

Founded in 1984, AATOD works to enhance the quality of patient care in treatment programs by promoting the growth and development of comprehensive opioid treatment services throughout the U.S.

Mark Parrino, the organization’s president, published a policy paper last month, “Using Medication Assisted Treatment to Treat Opioid Use Disorder: Learning from Past Experience to Guide Policy.”

The policy paper presents many compelling points and among the most insightful is this culminating argument: 

“There are ways to have a safer ‘middle ground’ for expanding access to treatment. When medications are needed to treat this disease, it is best to provide a comprehensive array of services for as long as the patient needs them… medication alone is rarely associated with long-term successful patient outcomes.”

Parrino proposes a coordinated treatment model, stating “It is unwise to have primary care practitioners induct new patients onto methadone maintenance treatment… Our judgment leads us to believe that primary care practitioners, working in conjunction with OTPs, could be valuable in treating fully stabilized patients.”

At New Season, we’re proud to adhere to this recommended model. Our accredited programs deliver the best standards of care directed by clinicians, quality monitoring by treatment professionals and individualized treatment.

New Season is proud of our enduring relationship with AATOD to provide patients with the most effective treatment protocols available.