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On the Road to Recovery: New Season Treatment Center Launches Mobile Opioid Treatment Unit. Read more here.

  • 1-877-284-7074

Patient Testimonials

Your future starts here.

Testimonials on this site are from real patients enrolled in the New Season treatment and recovery program and are based on their own experiences. Patients were not compensated for their testimonial or endorsement. These testimonials are based on the experiences of a few people and results may vary.

New Season Video Testimonial 1
New Season Video Testimonial 2
New Season Video Testimonial 3

Since being in recovery I have been able to put my energy where it belongs. I have been able to revive my business and put more time and effort into my family. I have also been able to find my calling and work towards my goals with a clear mind. I'm able to be a mother and a wife again without fear. My family supported my decision and continue to help me through this so I'm not going to let them or myself down.

Durham Treatment Center

There are not enough words in the English dictionary to describe the absolute wonderful treatment that I received at the Broward County facility. I am a married, professional and mother of four. I was treated with the utmost respect and dignity while guest dosing at this facility. Treena was especially helpful, warm, kind, caring with the greatest example of Southern Hospitality.

Do NOT even give it a second thought! If you want to be treated like a human being with a brain, feelings and a beating heart suffering from a sickness that has every right to be treated as any other sickness, then this is the ONLY place you need to consider. I mean that.

Broward Treatment Center

Being in this treatment program has most definitely improved my life. My counselor is very helpful and I know I can talk to her about anything without judgement. The director of the Hickory Clinic is amazing to say the least. I can go to him any day of the week with any issue and he will always listen and help me resolve the situation. I have always been treated like a person instead of a number and I'm so very thankful to the staff for helping me because without this program I would be dead!

Hickory Metro Treatment Center

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Through this program I have been set free from the drugs that were controlling my life. I am learning how to function in society sober.

Augusta Metro Treatment Center