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On the Road to Recovery: New Season Treatment Center Launches Mobile Opioid Treatment Unit. Read more here.

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Patient Testimonials

Your future starts here.

Testimonials on this site are from real patients enrolled in the New Season treatment and recovery program and are based on their own experiences. Patients were not compensated for their testimonial or endorsement. These testimonials are based on the experiences of a few people and results may vary.

New Season Video Testimonial 1
New Season Video Testimonial 2
New Season Video Testimonial 3

Since being in recovery I have been able to put my energy where it belongs. I have been able to revive my business and put more time and effort into my family. I have also been able to find my calling and work towards my goals with a clear mind. I'm able to be a mother and a wife again without fear. My family supported my decision and continue to help me through this so I'm not going to let them or myself down.

Durham Treatment Center

There are not enough words in the English dictionary to describe the absolute wonderful treatment that I received at the Broward County facility. I am a married, professional and mother of four. I was treated with the utmost respect and dignity while guest dosing at this facility. Treena was especially helpful, warm, kind, caring with the greatest example of Southern Hospitality.

Do NOT even give it a second thought! If you want to be treated like a human being with a brain, feelings and a beating heart suffering from a sickness that has every right to be treated as any other sickness, then this is the ONLY place you need to consider. I mean that.

Broward Treatment Center

Being in this treatment program has most definitely improved my life. My counselor is very helpful and I know I can talk to her about anything without judgement. The director of the Hickory Clinic is amazing to say the least. I can go to him any day of the week with any issue and he will always listen and help me resolve the situation. I have always been treated like a person instead of a number and I'm so very thankful to the staff for helping me because without this program I would be dead!

Hickory Metro Treatment Center

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As soon as I started at this clinic, I felt like I was gaining a life back. My day no longer consists of worrying about money and finding pain medication and wondering if I'll be sick. I wake up and get my medication dose and feel good for 24 hours. I feel normal again. Before this clinic, I started to lose all hope. I have hope again, thanks to Naples Metro.

Naples Metro Treatment Center

My counselor Sonia has literally saved my life. She goes above and beyond what any person or counselor would do. She always has an open ear and is always there to listen when you need someone to talk to. No matter what she will make time for you and she will help you. Her qualities and being a counselor just go above and beyond anything. Like I said she has literally saved my life and she is such a great asset to this program and has been there for me through my journey of this program. She is on the ball with everything that she does with her job and takes it so very seriously. Having a wonderful counselor like Sonia to talk to just helped this become such a smoother transition for me.  Come in and just do it. It's the best thing you could do for yourself and your family.

West Palm Beach Treatment Center

I'm a mom of three kids who had the perfect family, perfect life.. so was the story of my life had you asked the people around me. In secret I was battling an opiate addiction for over 10 years. When I no longer has access to prescriptions, I turned to dope. It was cheaper and easier to get. By then my days were consumed with getting my fix. Everything else became secondary. Not by choice, I had no choice, I was 100% addicted to the drug, and the process. If i didn't have it, I couldn't function, or think about anything other than how to get it. Life was about keeping from getting sick. That's all i was living for. This program has given me back what I didn't care I was missing.. enjoying precious time with my babies and a better quality of life.  Don't let the line keep you from sticking it out.. it's worth the wait. (and you know you've waited a hell of a lot longer on your dealer!!)

Daytona Treatment Center

It has stabilized my being, allowing me to rebuild my broken relationships (monetary, and emotional) while participating in the every day, ever challenging, business life.

New Hanover Metro Treatment Center

As a chronic opiate/opioid user for 12+ yrs, this program has helped save my life.  BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!!! It is possible to get better. It's not easy at 1st, but it gets easier each day. We didn't become this way overnight, so don't expect to get better in a day or 2. It takes time & commitment.

Biloxi Treatment Center

They saved my life. I enjoy coming to see them daily. From the nurses to the counselor. They always answer questions from me or my husband. I am not hanging around the people I used to hang with. My husband is so proud of me. Don't be afraid. They will help you along the way.

Columbus Metro Treatment Center

I've been clean for almost 3 years and I don't think I could have done it without this treatment.  I have a job and have been able to keep it for longer than 6 months. I'm a better mother and friend to everyone around me. All my family members can tell a difference that I'm happier and healthier!

Dallas County Treatment Center

The staff is wonderful. Without that staff you couldn't or even have a chance to succeed. The nurse Tiffany, Jessica, Miss faith, the counselor, everybody is just so wonderful and willing to help you out and how small or crazy or a silly your question sounds they have an answer for it and if they don't they'll figure it out but they'll walk you through it and you have a wonderful experience and you say why did I wait so long to actually look for help. And the nurse Tiffany she introduced me to everybody she could and everybody was there so I can not feel scared or overwhelmed she made it as comfortable for me as anybody would like walking you home letting you know it is okay and you're going to make it through. So if you're looking for a clinic that's going to help you succeed, this is a clinic to go to. There is no excuse out there because there are angels with open arms at this Clinic. Thank you Tiffany. Thank you Jessica. Thank you Miss faith. Just thank you Barbara. Thank you.

Greenville Metro Treatment Center